Wednesday, 1 March 2017

so many books

Spend time at the library. There seems to be a misnomer that the public library is only for children. Like the staff at the public library, it has been some time since I have seen adults (retirees) sitting in the library leafing through magazines or reading a book or draft legislation. Did you know that you can use the computer there to write, research, check and send emails or just surf the internet. You can peruse the displays on a variety of different topics.  The current display features black history

So many books so little time...Browsing the library can be so much fun, free of cost and good for you. There is so much you can learn. Sitting in  the library you get to observe other patrons and sometimes even eavesdrop on conversations (that’s ok because no one is supposed to be talking in the library anyway). you can enjoy the comfort of air conditioning in a safe environment, use your tablet if you brought it along to read your ebook. The library has free WI-FI.  It is possible that you will discover relatives that you didn't  know you had and of course you can always make a young friend or two. Before you leave, use your library card to check out(borrow)a DVD or book. Remember to return them once you have finished using as late fees are accessed for overdue returns. Take some time one day soon and stop by the public library, you will be glad you did.The friendly staff at the library is expecting you and will be happy to assist you. 

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