Sunday, 19 March 2017


There was no room inside so I was sitting in one of two tents erected outside the St. Mary’s church yesterday where I was attending the funeral of a friend. As the visiting Minister was preaching, whom I later understood was a relative in law; he made a statement regarding behavior of relatives about property of deceased persons after the burial. The vast number of persons nodding their heads in agreement to the Minister confirmed the need as he said “… to put your business in order.” Immediately my mind went to Friday’s post about preparing a Will and wondered of the hundreds in attendance how many had a Last Will and Testament?  Following that thought, was the comment of one of the avid readers of my blog who wrote to me that “Friday isn’t a day for morbid posts” Never once had I  thought of the preparation of a Will as being morbid or even that one day instead of another made a difference. I took that comment onboard and appreciated its content.
In my naiveté I had failed to realize that persons (in this case thirty- something) may be reluctant to deal with matters relating to death as it pertains to themselves and I must find another approach to encourage the preparation of such a vital instrument. This is particularly necessary as I have found out that the majority of readers of my blog are not the retiree but rather the prospective retiree. Truth be known, I am flattered as this is a good thing and I will aim to be more sensitive to my audience. Perhaps there is need for a softer more appropriate approach in some areas.   

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