Sunday, 12 March 2017
bucket lists
I grew up on the White Hill where when
referring to someone who had died it was normal to say for e.g. Vanter kicked
the bucket and passed the white house. So the release of the 2007 movie The
Bucket List reaffirmed that the bucket meant death and we were on to something.
A bucket list logically would be all the grandiose things a person dreamt of
doing during his lifetime. There is really no set time to execute
your bucket list, just so you do it before you die and since we do not know the
appointed time it is safe to start working on the list as soon as possible just
in case.
Whether you are retired or not the
point here is to think of those things you would like to do in your lifetime, make
a list and do them. If you are presently retired and still got some things
outstanding on your bucket list now is as good a time as any to check them off
the list. For my part the most ambitious thing on my imaginary list yet to be
accomplished is simple. One day I would like to sit on the step of a rum shop
(speak easy) all day from about 9:30 in the morning until about 7 o’clock in
the evening. The purpose would be to witness and record firsthand how alcohol
influences the behavior of the patrons from the start and follow the progress
throughout the day. This is something that has always fascinated me. I
anticipate that being a non-drinker plus the fact that such establishments are almost extinct may present some challenges. But I will be calm and carry on my search hoping to listen and learn from the various pontifications on a myriad of
issues current and not so timely and hopefully pick up some tips. What is on
your bucket list and how soon will you check off the activities?

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I want to swim with the dolphins
I would like to visit the casino in Las Vegas
Those are currently on my bucket list.
Love it. Hope you bucket list come true 😃
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