Tuesday, 28 March 2017

testamentary will step 3

This next step, is 3 towards preparing to make a Will. It lists how you want your property to be distributed. Who does and gets what? The below, though not exhaustive may be used as a guide to assist you
  • In terms of cash, for whom and how much? for example; your spouse, former spouse, children with former spouse; family, relatives, friends, business associates charitable organizations, educational or other institutions
  • In the event that both you and your spouse are killed at the same time e.g. plane or car crash, How do you want your property to be distributed
  • Who do you want specific personal possessions to go to (describe the item(s)in detail)
  • Do you have alternative beneficiaries in case designated beneficiaries predecease you or cannot be located
  • Consider setting up a testamentary trust for some or all of your assets to be managed on behalf of your spouse and children
  • For minor and disabled children, decide what age you want them to have access to their trust
  • Would you want your executor/trustee to have the power to manage any investments to maximize returns before liquidating and paying cash to the beneficiaries  
  • Who would be better to manage the investments an individual or a Trust company 
Should you have any other specific instructions you should include them on your list and discuss the implications with the person assisting you with preparing your will

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