Wednesday, 15 March 2017

time flies

 It is half way through March 2017. Christmas it seems was but a few weeks ago particularly since the Douglas fir I intended to recycle is still in the stand though outdoors now. How time is flying. This morning having decided to install two new widgets on the blog (you should notice the horoscope at the end of the page and the new weather look) I started at 6:45am when I returned from the beach.  Before I knew it the clock said 12:32pm the time had flown with me none the wiser. So as I hurried to make my 1:15pm volunteer commitment I marveled at how time flies. It has been 16 years since I repatriated, wow that seems like a couple years ago and then it is almost 6 months since my retirement. Is it just me or do you also think that time flies? If we agree that time flies we must manage what time we have to ensure that we make the most of each moment. I am in agreement with teacher Robin when he said, though he can’t remember where he got the quote, “Time wasted follows through life”.  Plan to do the things that matter to you, don’t put off today for tomorrow, we don’t get an opportunity today to do anything on yesterday’s time. Let’s make today count and if time flies we must keep pace.

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