Friday 31 March 2017

testamentary will step 4

By this stage you should have all the pertinent information for the final step, Step 4 encompasses all the other information and responsibilities that is necessary to ensure all your wishes are accurately recorded for purposes of preparing your last will and testament: 
  • Are you the executor/trustee of anyone’s Will? For whom? 
  • Do you hold any Power of Attorney or Appointment? For whom? 
  • Names and addresses of financial or personal/business advisors. 
  • Names and addresses of your lawyer(s). 
  • Where do you want to leave the original copy of your Will? (Safety deposit box, or with your lawyer? 
  • Have you had a previous Will? When was it signed, located and when was it last reviewed? 
  • Does your spouse have a Will? When was it signed, where is it located and when was it last reviewed? 
  • Were both Wills (of you and your spouse) reviewed in conjunction with each other? 
  • Have you had both Wills (if applicable) recently reviewed by your lawyer? 
  • Have you discussed your Will with a financial planner to make sure you have taken advantage of all the estate planning strategies available? 
  • Do you or your spouse wish to change any provisions in your Wills? 
  • Have you considered being an organ donor on your death, and have you discussed this with your spouse? Have you completed the appropriate forms? 
  • Have you considered giving an enduring Power of Attorney to someone over your affairs in certain situations (Financial or health related)? 
  • Details on burial wishes and funeral service instructions. 
  • Historical information for obituary purposes. 
  • Names and addresses of family, relatives, and friends for notification purposes

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