Friday, 3 March 2017

just say no

Today's post offers some straight forward common sense. Do not lend money you cannot afford to lose. This advice does not just apply to retirees, it is a general rule applicable across the board. For some unknown reason(s) persons and in particular family members and close friends are of the misguided belief that a retiree has lots of money and should loan/give it to them when they ask. Adult children, siblings and grandchildren are the main culprits and will get an attitude if refused.
Hold on to your money; but if you feel compelled out of some sense of loyalty to hand over your money, make sure the amount you give will not set you back too far, if you never see it again. The best thing you can do in order to preserve a friendship, is just say no to the person who wants to borrow money from you.

1 comment:

Sani said...

Very interesting. The reality though is that you will need your friends during this time. SInce your social life will become mor monotonous and predictable the chances of you meeting new people may increase but making new friends...?

True friends give more than they take