Tuesday, 21 March 2017


Prospective retirees should be focusing on three significant areas as regards their retirement vision. The retiree has already figured this out but it doesn’t hurt to revisit and revise the plan if necessary. Adapt the 7ps, a phrase often used in successful marketing and which can be applicable in this instance: Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. In order to achieve success whatever the occasion I have found it useful to make a plan. Not unlike Abraham Lincoln who said “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe” I explore multiple options before deciding on the best for my circumstance. However, while I planned prior for my retirement it still has become necessary for me, given the inflation and relative cost of living, as well as longevity risks(living longer than my money lasts) to revise my plan. So you see, a plan helps and also makes it easier to vary should situations change. Start to plan now and give some consideration to (1) How you will spend your time (2) What your budget will look like (3) Where your money will come from. Once you have figured out a plan for each of these areas you are well on your way to a secure and happy next stage, stress free. Thus your retirement performance should be stellar because you planned properly prior.

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