Saturday, 29 April 2017

how is retirement going

You probably can provide an answer to this perplexing phenomena. I have yet to figure out why people ask “how is retirement going” I do not recall ever being asked by those same people or others “how is work going”. Somehow the  question implies that retirement is a destination separate and apart from the normal everyday living experience and the inquirer is concerned and fearful of the ability of the retiree to cope.  I have surmised that there must be some ulterior motive and that the person asking truly want to assess the mental  state of mind out of curiosity,  or merely making conversation. But whatever the reason my response, because I am never sure what to say, after I allow a few minutes to lapse, is always the same; Great! 
But just for shock value, one day when I am asked how is retirement going, I will launch into a tirade about everything that ails me and wait for the reaction. To my mind, while the question on its face is not objectionable it begs a response that evokes a measured answer, but I may be wrong. Have you been asked the same question and what has been your response?  is it just me being totally idiotic because I truly don't know the answer.

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