busy doing nothing
Earlier this year on a day trip to St. Martin, going from
Marigot to Philipsburg a lady along the route was wearing a tank top which
read across the chest Busy Doing Nothing.
I was fascinated by the phrase and since then have been thinking about the
literal meaning, and whether or not I could bear witness to it in any way. This
morning I had an epiphany, a defining moment where I can safely draw a parallel to my life and the phrase. Perhaps you can relate. The day starts out with the best of intentions and at the end you have accomplished nothing on the list, notwithstanding that you have been on your feet all day actively engaged with numerous tasks. This in my estimation is a classic example of being busy doing nothing based on the inability to definitively quantify specifics. But do you really have to account for every moment in your day, similar to like keeping record of billable hours? the short answer is no; after all, the retirees ought not to be accountable for their time, so its ok to be busy doing nothing every now and again. Maybe we should all wear garments that proudly proclaim we are busy doing nothing.
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