adapted from
Sunday, 30 April 2017
Saturday, 29 April 2017
how is retirement going
You probably can provide an answer to this perplexing phenomena. I have yet to
figure out why people ask “how is retirement going” I do not recall ever being
asked by those same people or others “how is work going”. Somehow the question implies that retirement is a destination separate and apart from the normal everyday living experience and the inquirer is concerned and fearful of the ability of the retiree to cope. I have surmised that there must be some ulterior motive and that the person asking truly want
to assess the mental state of mind out of curiosity, or merely
making conversation. But whatever the reason my response, because I am never sure what to say, after I allow a few minutes to lapse, is always the same; Great!
But just for shock value, one day when I am
asked how is retirement going, I will launch into a tirade about everything that ails me
and wait for the reaction. To my mind, while the question on its face is not objectionable it begs a response that evokes a measured answer, but I may be wrong. Have you been asked the same question and what
has been your response? is it just me being totally idiotic because I truly don't know the answer.

Friday, 28 April 2017
Thursday, 27 April 2017
busy doing nothing

Wednesday, 26 April 2017
health signs
This particular bit of humour turned out
to be more real than thought, as the research shows one of the health signs as you age to
look for is among others, tooth loss. Not to say that all retirees should become anxious about these things, but it is helpful to be aware, as these 5 issues were never a problem in younger years. The other indicators are bone loss, vision loss, arthritis, and diabetes.
To combat these health issues the experts recommend eating healthy, which includes a well balanced diet while minimizing the intake of excessive amounts of salt and sugar. Coupled with regular exercise which increases your heart rate, the retiree can starve of the unhealthy signs and promote good health while enjoying active longevity.
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
contemplating going abroad
Monday, 24 April 2017
community service

Sunday, 23 April 2017
country conference
My absence was a matter of economics, a single
income retiree often must make choices that are practical. In this instance
US$50.00 was a bit much for this retiree as it had not been factored in the
overall annual budget hence I did not attend. I resorted to listening to the
part aired on radio and viewed on Lloyd Gumbs' facebook page as prompted by
Flow. My retired colleague, who attended for academic stimulation, was not disappointed. For both days though generally enjoyable had this to say. It was
information overload, too many speakers that crammed everything they knew in a
20 minute presentation. From listening I deduced that 23 papers from 27
countries to present in 2 days may well have been a bit tight. The
downside to this is that some valuable points may not have been exhaustively
ventilated given the limitation on time. I will endeavour to read as many of the subject papers that are available. What I heard was most enlightening and the
fact that the revolution is not finished is heartening. I hope that you tuned in if you could not attend.
Saturday, 22 April 2017
island harbour

Friday, 21 April 2017

Thursday, 20 April 2017
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
shout for joy
Start to finish the mature attendees at the St Augustine' s Anglican church on Easter Sunday were riveted to their seats as first the junior choir followed by the chorale administered praise by shouting with joy.
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St. Augustine's Chorale |
It was a beautiful programme that will be repeated this upcoming Sunday afternoon. If you did not have an opportunity to attend on Easter, the experience I promise will be well worth your while.
Go hear the choir shout for joy, they deserve a standing ovation.
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Monday, 17 April 2017
tan tan
Marie Teresa
Caraway nee Wilson was 95 when we nattered the summer of 2012 she died in
November 2014 and this week April 2017 I learned for the first time she had
passed. My aunt died 4+ years ago and I had no idea. After that 2012 visit
thrice my friend returned to the convalescent home to be told she was not
there. Attempts to get word to her that my father, her brother had passed in
September 2015 were unsuccessful; unbeknownst to me she had herself died the
year before from natural causes.

There is an
ineffable emotion that compels me to write about this as if closure can be achieved,
sort of making up for not being present at the occasion to celebrate her life. I
loved my aunt and she loved me and did more for me than any other. My father
had one brother and one sister. The brother, my uncle John had migrated to the
UK when I was a toddler; I have no knowledge of him as he never returned after
he left Anguilla. My aunt Marie Teresa migrated to the US but made infrequent
trips back to Anguilla. We grew to dote
on each other she saw herself in me and I kept in regular contact. Time permitting; we
visited when my travels took me to the US state where she resided. She had 2
sons one predeceased her; she later resided with the other. As her
circumstances, independence and self reliance, changed I experienced difficulty
ascertaining her whereabouts. Her son, my cousin is not one to return calls or
make contact though we know each other well. In 2012 I enlisted the assistance
of my colleague in Houston and we located her in an assisted living community.
I was in town for two days we chatted and joked she was not ill, just old she told me. Her
memory was sharp and her wit quick but her knees was weak. At the time I did
not even think that at 95 it was likely our last visit; perhaps because it was
so joyous an occasion. Two years later she would have been 97. I am not sad or
weepy just perplexed that my cousin didn’t let me know. He had my contact
information all this time. Out of the clearest blue sky my cousin's son whatsapp message me this pass week, a first and I asked about her then he told me. R.I.P Tantan.
Sunday, 16 April 2017
new skills
Saturday, 15 April 2017
Friday, 14 April 2017
Thursday, 13 April 2017
good friday food

For as long as I can remember, and you probably can too, we would always have salt fish, ground
provisions and dumplings on Good Friday. Over the years corn or potato dumpling/pone and vegetables
have been added to the menu. Some folks even had corn soup with pig tail or corn beef. Good Friday is tomorrow and I am sure you
have stocked up on saltfish or boneless cod, mackerel or smoke herring (soaking),green bananas, and sweet potatoes.
Because cooking is not my best skill I leave that to the experts. Today I called
my BFF and asked what she intended to cook. She was unsure about the potato dumpling
because she didn’t have any grape leaves as the ones she had seen were too small.
She doesn’t like cooking the conkie dumpling in foil or the other options.
So to ensure there
are dumplings on Friday, I volunteered to go driving around Anguilla scoping out grape
trees to see which ones have big leaves. On Good Friday, my food comes from several
good cooks. Valentine delivers in time for early breakfast, the annual potluck 2
arrives about 9, and Monica brings the platter that lasts for a week, early
afternoon. Thereafter I am summoned by Leona to pick up my plate. At some
point Owen drops off the eggplant lasagna while Ingrid will send Humphrey to
bring a piping hot dish. Of course Lisette want to exchange but like Ann and Aphy never miss an opportunity to bring food no matter how late. By sundown I
would have 7-8 differently prepared saltfish plates, be completely sated with a
refrigerator of food sufficient to last the next week and a half. But for the
most part I would be grateful and thankful for all my considerate and doting friends that make
sure I have Good Friday food. May your friends be as generously kind to you as mine are to me.

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Collard greens,stewed eggplant,smoked herring,tomato and boiled egg |
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
wah you do all day
The question when put to me about my goings on gave me an occasion
to examine my routine.
Khalfani Omari Fullerton is a hotshot, Jaguar driving
lawyer that lives in Houston, who used whatsapp to give me a call last Saturday
evening. After we exchanged the customary pleasantries, he inquired as to what I
did all day now that I was retired. Having never thought about it, I attempted
to recount what I had done the day before. Unbelievable he said in a jovial but
skeptical manner. In answering his question I realized that no two days
were the same, for me and to accurately explain that to him was near impossible. He
would be unable to understand that routine and schedules were a thing of the
past that I had no Court dockets to be present for, no briefs to file, no
looming deadlines, no clients to represent, no conference calls, no jail visits,
no bumper to bumper traffic on the overpass high above Houston. He couldn't identify with my current lifestyle.
Had to explain that I roll out of bed at 4am walk until it is daybreak, walk down to the beach, do aerobic and yoga stretches, return home, putter about the yard/garden for as long as I wished, have anything for breakfast and there the similarity to the other days ended. Somewhere along the way these two chums from law school could no longer predict with any degree of certainty what the other’s typical day was like. Our lives changed as did the circle. It goes to show there is truth in the adage


Had to explain that I roll out of bed at 4am walk until it is daybreak, walk down to the beach, do aerobic and yoga stretches, return home, putter about the yard/garden for as long as I wished, have anything for breakfast and there the similarity to the other days ended. Somewhere along the way these two chums from law school could no longer predict with any degree of certainty what the other’s typical day was like. Our lives changed as did the circle. It goes to show there is truth in the adage

Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Monday, 10 April 2017
physical n physio therapy

Sunday, 9 April 2017
holy week devotions
Traditionally, during the Lenten season and in particular the week
leading up to Easter Sunday the Episcopal churches hold services daily. For
2017 the midday devotions are held as follows:
Monday 10th April @ St. Mary’s Anglican Church
Tuesday 11th April @ St. Gerards’ Catholic Church
Wednesday 12th April @ Ebenezer Methodist Church
Thursday 13th April @ St. Mary’s Anglican Church
Friday 14th April @ St. Mary’s Anglican Church (12-3)
Saturday, 8 April 2017
Friday, 7 April 2017
celebrating axa 50th anniversary
Talking about activities taking place for Anguilla Day gave rise
to the fact that; if the Government of Anguilla deemed it fitting to have two official
holidays to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Anguilla
Revolution, the least my retired buddy and I felt we should do was to
commemorate the occasion by doing something out of the ordinary. The second of the two holidays is dedicated to the round the island boat race, Anguilla's national sport.
So, the plan is to join the multitude of scantly clad revelers on the loud and festive party barge that follows the around the island boat race on the 31st May 2017. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but it is. You must understand that neither Ingrid nor I drink alcohol; do not party, are extremely conservative and will probably be the most senior and sober, overdressed persons on that boat. Because such an adventure is on Ingrid's bucket list, and I like the idea, I will accompany her. We are looking to reserve a place on the party boat as soon as possible to avert a change of heart. If you know where we can obtain such tickets, please let us know. What are you thinking of doing to mark this momentous milestone? Feel free to make plans to join us as we celebrate; take the challenge by accompanying us as we make a historical memory. Together we can make the boat ride memorable and earn bragging rights to boot.
Meanwhile, on tomorrow Saturday, we will accompany the Anguilla National Trust on one of its 50th Anguilla Revolution anniversary events. Its a hike that starts at 7am by Rebel Marine in North Hill through Katouche along the cave and if the sea cooperates will traverse the coastline. This route will be a new area of exploration for me and promises to be fun. The Anguilla National Trust usually have these educational programmes throughout the year. Retirees, because I know it matters to you, the hike is free, think about joining us tomorrow.
So, the plan is to join the multitude of scantly clad revelers on the loud and festive party barge that follows the around the island boat race on the 31st May 2017. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but it is. You must understand that neither Ingrid nor I drink alcohol; do not party, are extremely conservative and will probably be the most senior and sober, overdressed persons on that boat. Because such an adventure is on Ingrid's bucket list, and I like the idea, I will accompany her. We are looking to reserve a place on the party boat as soon as possible to avert a change of heart. If you know where we can obtain such tickets, please let us know. What are you thinking of doing to mark this momentous milestone? Feel free to make plans to join us as we celebrate; take the challenge by accompanying us as we make a historical memory. Together we can make the boat ride memorable and earn bragging rights to boot.

Thursday, 6 April 2017
meet blogee
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This is Blogee |
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
pet therapy
pet of choice for me has always been a dog, as far back as I remember . In my lifetime I have had a large
number of them. I love my Anguilla mutt. So this past weekend when I got a male
puppy from Israel I wanted to share my excitement and encourage you to get a
pet. In researching reasons why you should, I learnt that there was a
correlation between pet and retiree, pet therapy. No matter what your choice of
pet, owning one provides therapy. Below are the some of the key benefits of
having a pet:
For Mental Health
· Lifts spirits and lessens depression
· Decreases feelings of isolation and alienation
· Encourages communication
· Provides comfort
· Increases socialization and sense of community
· Reduces boredom
· Decreases anxiety
· Creates motivation to recover faster
· Reduces loneliness
For Physical Health
· Lowers blood pressure
· Improves cardiovascular health
· Releases endorphins (oxytocin) that have a calming effect
· Diminishes overall physical pain
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
do not operate 401(k) in Anguilla but those in private employment may find the
implementation of a similar retirement scheme beneficial in the long run. Other
than the Public Service Pension Fund there are currently no formal retirement
plans that this author is aware of in Anguilla save of course for the
partner hand. Well retiree, there goes a lucrative business venture
Monday, 3 April 2017
cat cow point flex

does an extraordinary job demonstrating the cat, cow, point, flex yoga stretch
exercises each Tuesday and Thursday morning at the beach on Sandy Hill from 6-7.
It’s adrenaline-charged, a great way to start the day. The fun part comes when,
after the routine, retirees take a dip in the ocean and stay a while to catch
up as the gainfully employed colleagues’ dash off to get ready for the workday.
However beneficial the cat cow point and flex was, the reality at that moment
is aptly coined by the words of Oscar Wilde, that no good deed goes unpunished.
Grudgingly, the others bid hasta la vista and other Latin phrases as they take
their departure, while we allow the
seawater to massage away any vestiges of
the cat, the cow, the point or the flex.
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