Saturday, 25 February 2017

friend with benefits

In our society there are acquaintances, associates, colleagues, contacts, friends, and then there is that distinctive category known as friends with benefits. Of the aforementioned, the latter is the most common as per my definition especially because the overwhelming number of my friends fall in this group. Here’s how I deduced such. Humour me for a moment and follow the logic. When my BFF explained that she was on her way to the Valley to pay her Digicel bill and was obliged to stop by a friend, to collect the remittance, to make a payment at the same place, it became obvious that this act performed by my BFF caused her friend to be the benefactor of her generosity and because it was not the first time the friend had asked for such a favour, she had without intending to, become a friend with benefits.    So last week when that same friend gave my BFF a sweet gourd, pommserates (sp) an avocado together with some sugar apples which she shared with me, my BFF became a friend with benefits to me. Similarly, the myriad of friends who bake me rolls, make me seafood pasta, makes lasagna and cheesecake, gives me various gifts, mow the yard at no cost, helps me build a bench or sends a spouse to make sure I am doing well and bring me nourishment for a cold, I could go on and on but I think you get the point.  Hence it is  abundantly clear that because I benefit from these friends regularly the extraordinary honour of friends with benefits should be bestowed on each and every one. Hopefully,you can relate.

The post today is dedicated to all friends with benefits. Malcolm, the ultimate friend with benefits, I salute you. Friends are always good to have but the Friend with Benefits at this juncture is sacrosanct and should be revived. Their generosities and thoughtfulness should never be taken for granted. Remember to always express genuine appreciation and to reciprocate in kind, live by example, be the benefactor. Always practice the golden rule “do unto others as you would have them do to you.”  Perchance you come across a different meaning of the term friend with benefits; ponder upon which is the more appropriate definition.


Unknown said...

Go ahead Shonda Rhimes!! I learn new words from reading the blogs. So proud of you!

Auhawi said...

thank you