Tuesday, 14 February 2017


It is worth mentioning that the one retired couple I know, that actually went out to dinner on Valentine's Day did so to impress friends and acquaintances. Thank goodness the majority of retirees do not find it necessary to keep up appearances, particularly with reduced spending power. The majority is to be commended and encouraged for managing limited  resources while exercising prudence in spending and enjoying themselves. They instead opted for a cosy intimate evening reminiscing about expressions of passions and dining out prior; while making commitments to relive the experiences daily.
No flowers came today, is it because I am now retired or because of the state of the economy and less disposal income?  Since for me, the glass is always half full, it must be that after 14 years the cost of flowers has spiralled out of the reach of the donor, financially. For now, the Valentine's Day bouquet is a distant memory, a pleasant one nonetheless. It is only speculation on my part, but the absence of flowers this year could signal the end of an era and the start of a more meaningful introspective.

The sobering takeaway from the fact that none came today, reinforces the notion espoused by Will L. Ketner  that "When you feel too important, remember the weather determines the  size of your funeral".  Another one of life's valuable lessons.

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