Friday, 12 May 2017

harvesting rainwater w/o blogee

The land surrounding our humble abode is not very fertile and because of the sloping terrain, any imported soil washes downhill with the slightest rain. Yesterday, with all that rain it was no different. I plant ornamentals and my sibling nearby, plant fruit trees. The deal is that I can get her surplus harvest and she can have bouquets whenever she want to.  Hours and hours are spent outdoors trying to create an oasis of natural beauty. It's a work in progress. Let me tell you about a rain habit I have that perhaps you can relate to.
My grandmother would always catch the run-off rainwater in a barrel or bucket when I was growing up and so now whenever it rains I put a bucket to catch any drops coming from the roof. If the cistern overflows then every pot or pan I own will be used to harvest the water; then I water the already satiated ground around the plants. Is that weird? Yesterday when I was filling up buckets and pans as the cistern ran over, Blogee, after a few trips in the drizzle behind me, decided to sit in the car port out of the rain, and watch my every move(strange because he is always underfoot tripping me up), that is when I realized even the dog thought my actions were weird and wanted no part of getting wet. Notwithstanding, blogee's disapproval of my rainwater  harvesting tradition, it will prevail.

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