Wednesday 17 May 2017

100th post

Congratulations, hard to believe that we have arrived at the 100th blog post on "What no one tells you about retirement on Anguilla, prior". Having reached that milestone it is fitting to take a moment and assess the blog to date. In particular, has the purpose for which it was created been achieved, is the material informative,inspiring and helpful. Is the content relatable and easy to read, Is the intended support obvious, are the posts entertaining at times. The responses to these questions are crucial to determine the fate of the blog going forward. It has been an exciting journey so far and I have derived as much pleasure from writing as the diehard readers do reading. However, there is only so much factual information that is available on retirement in the Anguilla context, all of which has been exhausted. The blog therefore has survived on the antidotes and exploits of retirees. To provide the best information there must be a re-branding, a shift in focus/direction without compromising the really good material posted in the last 100 blogs. It makes sense to  take a hiatus while the decision is under advisement, which we will. In the interim  please re-read the previous posts, leave a comment as to your thoughts on direction, send an email let us know how you feel about the blog   


Penultimate definition: The penultimate thing in a series of things is the last but one. so says the Collins English dictionary. This post is the one before the 100th post and thus worthy of note. It has been an epic undertaking, daunting initially but the quest for satisfaction from accomplishment soon overtook moments of trepidation. In retrospect it was all worthwhile and I would do it again and again. 

Teapot of bush tea

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Leona's craft


Leona Bacchus is a retired person who loves craft, featured here are some of the items she has created these are purses, brooches, key chains and coasters all of which are moderately priced. She custom makes any of these items upon request. Her contact number is 264-581-5392

non-vacation trip

I have always been fascinated with the viewpoint that a person without a job goes on vacation, so my being a retiree without a job cannot technically be going on vacation notwithstanding that the various definitions suggest that the period away encompasses  rest and relaxation. Therefore, since retirement is nothing but rest and relaxation  I have invented the word non-vacation trip. So next week when I go abroad it will be on a non-vacation tripThis is exciting for a number of reasons chief of which I will have new material from a different perceptive, not to mention change of scenery.

I will pack my grip and put some clothes in a valise, make sure the passport ain't expired and look under the bed to see if any money still there and of course remember to take Blogee to SER before I take off for my non-vacation trip. Hasta la vista y'all.

Monday 15 May 2017

call from the cemetery

On Saturday last, Lancelle a recent retiree was all dolled up looking chic in her black and white accentuated with red wedges. She was off to a breakfast gala at one of the posh hotels where a contemporary was being honoured. It was a sunny clear day and she planned to change her red wedges for a black pair of shoes in order to attend a funeral afterwards. When I spoke to her later that day she explained that the program had dragged on and she was not able to make it to the funeral service and by the time she got to the graveside the burial had taken place and people were dispersing. It was at this point that I got the call from the cemetery. Lancelle wanted to tell me I should come for these "blasted" red wedges because she had fell and hurt her ankle on her way into the hotel. I am still unclear why she called from the cemetery but perhaps it was her frustration at having completely missed the funeral and the pain of her twisted ankle; but whatever the reason for the timing, I am now the proud owner of the red wedges. A word of caution, take extra care when stepping in pumps, wedges, platforms or heels of any kind as falls and injury at any stage in life must be avoided at all cost.

Saturday 13 May 2017

beach cleanup @ sandy hill

And so, as that fleeting glance into my world is deferred, our undivided attention is riveted on the cleanup of the sargassum seaweed on Sandy hill beach. We commence at 5am today it is a community effort and I am responsible for the leaves to make the bush tea. Drinks and garbage bags to be provided by Tropical Distributors.  someone is doing johnny cakes too. Below is a picture of what the beach looked like before we start cleaning. The next picture will show after we are finished. Hopefully you will be able to discern a significant difference. 

There must have been a conspiracy overnight, as you can see there was more seaweed this morning than last evening and though we raked and raked and raked it kept coming in droves. In the end we had to concede.